With graduation weeks just a few ago the time has come for one of the Bunnies to hop on down to The Sunshine State to start her Doctor Bunny career! I would say having such intelligent (and beautiful) friends is clearly something to toast to!
We are so blessed to have such a wonderful group of friends that are so supportive in all of our accomplishments and goals. So supportive we planned our dresses to compliment our Bunnys Graduation robe! (Okay the last part is a lil fiblet, but I will remember for next time... Can you get a degree after a doctrate?)
I wish Bunny Dena all the best in Gator country and can NOT wait to visit... So instead of the tearful good bye it went more like this: Ehhh, don't worry 'bout it! Pick me up from the airport in a couple weeks? And I will make sure to tag you in spirit in any important events on facebook! (guess which part of that was a joke?)
So raise your glasses! To the memories we made, the oppurtunies we have, and that when they say "all that hard work will PAY off!" it doesn't mean in Jimmy G's dollars.