Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Holiday in Paris Day 2

Bonjour!!! (Your are about to see 100 photos. You have been warned!)

Day two of my crash course in the French language was a success. I was already fluent in the language. By fluent I mean: Je parle très peu le français. (I speak little French.) I had heard that the French were unfriendly and disliked Americans. I was also fully aware that I maybe a "typical annoying American." I would be lying if I said I was incorrect on either account. I assumed that they would speak English. Who doesn’t? Right ? The French don’t, they speak French… who knew ? Well this "typical annoying America" did not know. Moral of the story next time I travel over seas I will invest in Rosetta Stone. Not all of the French we encountered were unfriendly. The younger population seemed to be more aware of globalization and the ability to capitalize on Americans by speaking English. The older population often refused to even speak to us after  we muttered  "Je parle très peu le français" with some oh so Southern accent. Let’s just say I tipped accordingly.  

Soooo Back to Day 2! I am not a huge art buff but when in France… right ? We visited sac le Cloeur and Montmartre. Sac le Cloeur is an amazing chapel and Montmartre is the neighborhood located behind it. It is the area where artist set up on cobble stone alleys lines with cafes with heated porches and stands selling hot wine and pastries. It is what, from paintings, I envisioned France to be. 

Only in Paris...

 Then we ventured behind the church were we had our portraits done and for a little hot wine! 

Absolutely Addicted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some how i managed to eat EVERY. SINGLE. PASTERY in sight and still loss 7 pounds in Paris. I credit it to the copious wine consumption... and maybe the walking. But the copious wine consumption sounds so much more fabulous!

This weekend I will be attempting to make my own hot wine and post a recipe next week! Get Excited!!! (I certainly am!) 

XOXO, Elle

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Holiday in Paris Day 1

My new favorite thing: An airplane neck pillow! True Story!

So I have been back for a couple weeks now so I guess its about time i get to the deets of my fab holiday in Paris. So we arrive in Paris at 8:30 am in the Paris time zone... whatever that's actual called. I referred to it as "Holiday Time" personally. Seriously who cares what time it is anywhere else in the world when you are on holiday... right?
After a few glasses of airplane wine (and by glasses I mean giant cups) I slept like a baby and was ready to hit the ground running... after a short nap and shower of course.

First things first. Get the sight seeing out of the way so I can shop! After all I am in Paris!!! So on the top of the list are many of the scenes from the Davinci Code. The Louvre, Notre Dame, and Starbucks. Okay, so I will admit French coffee kicks Starbucks arss. My one and only complaint about Paris: the coffee is much hotter than my Keriug's temp setting. #ParisProblemz 

So here we go!  

First we headed to Notre Dame...


The entrance to Notre Dame... turned sideways... how in the world do I fix this?

The church was literally breathe taking.

 Then on to the Louvre...

For being shopping heaven they sure don't wear a lot of clothes...
We had to go back Day  3 to retake this picture. Thanks Mom!
I am a little over dressed to be a French Statue, No?
Le Seine (Pronounced Le Sin... that didn't cause any confusion at all)
As you might have noticed by now I need some blog lessons. I mean other blogs have sideways pictures from France too right? A for effort? Well maybe I will get it figured out for my post about day 2... but prob not!

Any who! 

Happy Monday Love Bugs! 


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Like a movie...

It's not every day a girls life is a scene out of a movie. It's also not every day that a girl celebrates her birthday in Paris. Last week I did both.

You may have seen the movie Something's Gotta Give?


 And you may have seen the birthday scene at restaurant in Paris? 


So to celebrate my 30th birthday I was surprised by a group dinner  at the very same restaurant with the very same birthday cake. Of course after a few glasses of 2007 Chateau Siran Margaux I was being an obnoxious American and assumed the waiter did not speak English... He did. After the staff sang "Joyeux anniversaire" and my amazing road flare cake fizzled out I asked the waiter if I got to keep the cake and if so could i have a to-go box for it. I had expected a puzzle look to my smarty pants comment, but instead he ripped off a heart and gave it to me as a souvenir.

The movie prop!

Restaurants have scrapbooks too!

 Notice the cake in the top left photo? Look familiar?

My first taste of Escargot!

I mean what more could a girl ask for... other than shopping in the LaFayette Mall in Paris afterwards! Stay tuned because that is worthy of its own post! 



Monday, November 19, 2012

What not to bring to Friendsgiving...

What not to bring to Friendsgiving… you heard it here first.

So I have never claimed to be perfect, or to attempt to be. God bless my friends for loving me for it. On Saturday we celebrated “Friendsgiving.”  Friendsgiving is a celebration shared with your friends who are like family that involves the traditional family feast with the addition of party dresses and lots and lots of wine. This is a revolutionary idea. 

Not the best photo... "if only we had a dimmer."
 I naturally volunteered to bring some fancy fall boozy drink. Fresh off the plane from Paris I was going thru withdraws of Hot Wine. So it was on the top of my short list… in fact being a non-cooker it was the only option on the list. As the day of the event arrived I checked the Facebook invite to discover the crock pot was already being occupied by Hot Spiced (boozy) Apple Cider. Gasp! What now?!? So this is what I brought as a backup… 

Apparently you are supposed to cook the food BEFORE you arrive? Needless to say my feelings were not hurt that no one want my Friendsgiving contribution. 

Happy Friendsgiving ya'll!