Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Holiday in Paris Day 1

My new favorite thing: An airplane neck pillow! True Story!

So I have been back for a couple weeks now so I guess its about time i get to the deets of my fab holiday in Paris. So we arrive in Paris at 8:30 am in the Paris time zone... whatever that's actual called. I referred to it as "Holiday Time" personally. Seriously who cares what time it is anywhere else in the world when you are on holiday... right?
After a few glasses of airplane wine (and by glasses I mean giant cups) I slept like a baby and was ready to hit the ground running... after a short nap and shower of course.

First things first. Get the sight seeing out of the way so I can shop! After all I am in Paris!!! So on the top of the list are many of the scenes from the Davinci Code. The Louvre, Notre Dame, and Starbucks. Okay, so I will admit French coffee kicks Starbucks arss. My one and only complaint about Paris: the coffee is much hotter than my Keriug's temp setting. #ParisProblemz 

So here we go!  

First we headed to Notre Dame...


The entrance to Notre Dame... turned sideways... how in the world do I fix this?

The church was literally breathe taking.

 Then on to the Louvre...

For being shopping heaven they sure don't wear a lot of clothes...
We had to go back Day  3 to retake this picture. Thanks Mom!
I am a little over dressed to be a French Statue, No?
Le Seine (Pronounced Le Sin... that didn't cause any confusion at all)
As you might have noticed by now I need some blog lessons. I mean other blogs have sideways pictures from France too right? A for effort? Well maybe I will get it figured out for my post about day 2... but prob not!

Any who! 

Happy Monday Love Bugs! 


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