Throwback Thursdays... Let's Discuss.
I have to admit this is somewhat of a guilty pleasure of mine. Does anyone remember:
Once upon a time, long ago... when I was in middle school and the internet wasn't yet invented. Okay… I am being a teensy dramatic. I had the internet in middle school… dial up, AIM, and all the SWF13 chat rooms anyone could possibly want. You get the picture...
Social media, in it's infancy, had only one social media site giving high school middle school teachers grief: This was an opportunity to upload hot pictures of yourself to have strangers give you a 1-10 hotness rating, or to upload the worst picture you could fine of your worst enemy peer.
Point being: Old Habits Die Hard. #ThrowbackThursday seems to be pretty reminiscent of a simpler time in social media... well almost.
The Hot.
Spring Break 2001: Look how tan I am! And that neon string bikini is finally back in style, so no one will know how old I am!
Circa 2010... same thing. |
College Days: Look how fun and smart I am! And no one even remembers that I dropped that one class to go to that one party right after this was taken! (Kidding... well you would have to ask Staceylea I supose.)
Remember Calling Cards? #wtfislongdistance |
Wedding Pics: Look guys! I am STILL married!
Sports Pics: Look how sporty I am! Ahhhh the glory days!
The Not.
· Perms: Please don’t make a comeback!
· Mullets… enough said.
· Glasses: Yessss those 80’s glasses were the best. Thank god I got contacts when I turned 11!
And finally the #ThrowbackThursdayTakenLastThursday
Selfies: est. 2010… this is not a throwback. Don't even get me started on the duckface.
Are y'all guilty of these? Because my great friends whom I have stolen the below Instagram photos from certainly are... THANKS LOVES!!!!