Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hot Wine Take 1

Happy Wednesday Ladies!

This week has been draggginnnnnggg! Last night I stayed in just me, Brandy, and some Skinny Girl.  I decided to attempt to “cook” my favorite French drink: Hot Wine.

Hot Wine is a holiday season drink I feel in LOVE with in Paris. They sell it everywhere! Street corners, pastery shops, the baguette stand… you get the point.  It is a variation of Mulled wine that we have in the States. Mulled Wine is basically Hot Apple Cider except you substitute the Apple Juice for Wine, and Hot Wine has slightly different spices. After days of Google searches on my lunch breaks, I went to Le Kroger with full intentions of making an authentic Hot Wine from scratch… then somehow as I wondered through the produce department this little packet of magic spices popped in to my cart.  I feel like it was somehow the fault of Elf on the Shelf.

I had full intentions of posting my A-MAZ-ING recipe! BUT I will be honest it was kinda like a candle… It smelled so good I wanted to eat drink it… but I just couldn’t. Yes, it was that bad. In fact it was such a fiasco I decided to do a for entertainment purposes only tutorial on what NOT to do!

To Do: Wear a vintage apron and heels every time you cook, says the single girl. (Wha? This is a special occasion for me!)

Not to Do: You will need a bottle of red wine and a couple of shots of brandy. When you read ingredients on the internet are cheap red wine… DO NOT buy $6 Concord grape wine. Give a girl a break… “Cheap” is a relative term, and tonight I will be trying again with a $15 bottle of my fav French wine.

 To Do:  Heat stove to the lowest setting.

Not to do: what is wrong with this picture? Let me give you hints… cork screw + twist off bottle. 

To do: Pour entire bottle of wine into saucepan. 

Not to do: Add “cheap” brandy… this did not mean the $6 bottle off the bottom shelf. Gawd Awful!

To do: Add Spices to the bottle of wine and 2 shots of Brandy and heat on lowest temperature for 30 minutes. 

Not to do: If you have followed all of these instructions including the “Not to Dos” the DO NOT taste it. Your house may smell better than White Barn candle but it will taste very icky! You have been warned!

Do you have a homemade version of Mulled Wine? I would LOVE to know your recipe! Tonight is Take 2! Wish me luck! I promise to post a legit recipe soon! (Hopefully.)




  1. Hey Elle, just found your blog from Jenni's. Hot wine sounds amazing! I've never had it before, but I do love me some hot apple cider, so I'll have to give this a try! Can't wait to hear about take 2 on the recipe :)


  2. HAHA oh my goodness how cute are you??
    A) Sincerely fighting bitter jealousy against your for your time in Paris... oh my heart longs.
    B) Hot Wine is something I've never heard of but now MUST TRY!
    C) You are seriously good at making your readers laugh... including me :)

