Thursday, December 6, 2012

Stocking Stuffers

Happy Thursday!!

 Do ya’ll feel like the holidays are closing in to fast this year? When I was kid December seemed like it took forever! Opening the door on my candy filled Advent calendar every evening seemed like it took forever. Counting down the days until my birthday and then to Christmas was filled with excitement and anticipation for something magical.  Waiting for a fat bearded old man to pop in my house unnoticed to bring me everything I ever wanted, with the exception of a puppy.

Today it seems to fly by in a whirl wind of Birthday dinners, holiday parties, and New Years traveling. And Lord help him if some fat bearded old man pops into my house this Christmas… somebodies getting tear gassed. This weekend is my last weekend is the last weekend I have time for holiday shopping. Lord help me too! These are a few Stocking Stuffers on my “to buy” list that I thought I would share for a little shopping inspiration.

For the Coffee Lov-a! AKA yours truly. Hint, Hint, Hint!

Starbucks $9.95

For the wine enthusiast! I am save wine corks from special occasions and using a sharpie or paint pen I write the dates in them. This is the perfect way to gift them. (I also think this would be great as a wedding gift using corks from all of the wedding events.)
Wine Enthusiast $19.99


For the Wine-O!! I thought everyone in the whole wide world had one of these miracle gadgets. They are the Louis Vuitton of Wine. (An outfit is ready without a girls Speedy, and the wine isn’t ready without a fancy shmasy wine aerator. Here’s the deal, this bad boy makes a $12 bottle of wine tast like a $25 bottle of wine in the time it takes to pour the glass. Trust me ladies. I was skeptical. Do one side by side taste test, and you will be SOLD! I have only used it on Red Wine. Has anyone used it on white?
Amazon $39.99
For the man in your life!! In my case: my Dad. :) I never know what to get my dad, but I refuse to make a gift card only stocking so this is the perfect alternative. This is the perfect gift primarily because it's something to unwrap! It comes with bunches of fragrances so he is bound to like some of them, and it comes with a voucher for him to pick out his favorite in store. AND its only $50! Genius! (Plus it comes in a womens sampler too... I may or may not have done a one for you, one for me!)
Happy Shopping!!



1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen those wine cork coasters. My cousin would TOTALLY love them and I've got her in the family swap. Hmmmm. Investigating stat!
